Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Impact of Niger Delta Development Commission in the Eyes of the Ordinary Niger Delta People

Good review of the NDDC - Worth a Read
The Nigerian Voice
8 September 2011

By Idumange John

1. Introduction:
I wish to thank the organizers of this lecture for extending invitation to me. I see this as an opportunity to defend most of the issues we have raised in other platforms especially in the print media about whether or not the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, has met the goals for which it was established. I am of the view that when we set up development agencies, we should also do some periodic evaluation of such agencies to know whether the aims and objectives for which they were established are being fulfilled. 
This paper seeks to examine the NDDC wearing the binoculars of the ordinary Niger Delta people. The paper should be seen as part of efforts to address the development challenges facing the Region. Therefore, the paper shall be striped of the scholarly gravity or the hard-headed analysis that may be expected. It should be seen more as a practical paper. If we acknowledge that development or lack of it is more of a practical thing than theoretical, appraising the impact of NDDC must start with what the people say, how they perceive the Commission to be, its policy direction and implementation templates. Again the appraisal of government development Agency involves policy, programme or ideas, which in other lands are used to propel development. For two years, I have had a romance with the Commission that is being discussed. So I have the benefit being a distant observer as well as a close but powerless player in the Commission. 
On a broader plain and within the context of a nation, there seems to be a consensus that there is an obvious disconnect between development agencies and the people especially when the implementation of programmes and projects are concerned.

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